Looking to buy tea and coffee for your establishment?
Delicatessen & Farms Shops
You’re probably looking for a range of loose leaf teas, tea bags or coffees that your customers won’t find on supermarket shelves. It’s got to have an assurance of quality and consistency, and it has to be packed attractively.
We believe we can help you establish a range of teas and coffees that will excite your customers and ensure repeat purchase, whilst at the same time showing you a good return. How do we know that? Well, we have our own retail shop – just the one – in London, so we know what sells and can put together a compact and effective selection of teas and coffees. We’ll also help you sell them through with our eye-catching POS material and merchandising stands.
Pyramid Teabags
The range that’s setting the pace at the moment is Drury Pyramid teabags. Very few manufacturers have the capability to pack in pyramid bags, but this shape allows the tea to infuse better and it means we can use larger leaf teas, giving an improved brew. We manufacture and pack these ourselves, having invested in new technology three years ago. Over that time, the range has grown and now numbers 27 different varieties, which includes black, green and white teas, tisanes and fruit teas. You’ll find all the blends you’d expect here and some you wouldn’t like Saharan Mint and Vanilla Rooibos. Drury Pyramid teabags are available in decorative window cartons or aluminium presentation tins.
Loose Leaf Teas
Leaf tea is close to our heart. After all, it was the basis of the business we founded when we started up over 80 years ago. These days the range we offer is quite extensive with over 60 different teas in a selection of pack sizes. You can choose from black, green or white teas, oolongs, rooibos, decaffeinated, fruit and herbal teas in pack sizes ranging from 50g to 2.5kg. Many of our teas are single estate in origin and some are very rare and will appeal to aficionados. Staples in our range are Sri Lankan, Kenyan, Chinese, Japanese, Formosan and Indian teas. There is enough choice here for you to build an enviable reputation as a tea specialist.
Freshly Roasted Coffee
At Drury we recognise that coffee is an intensely personal preference for your customers. For that reason, our range is quite extensive. We offer a vast selection of coffees by country of origin, by degree of roast, by pack size in wholebean form or pre-ground for filter, cafetière or espresso use. Amongst our range is a selection of fine coffees from Rainforest Alliance™ Certified farms. Some coffees are blended for a balanced taste, others are single country or single estate in origin. In the Drury Gourmet Reserve range you will find single estate, exotic, rare and unusual coffees, meticulously hand roasted on a small batch roaster. All our coffees are packed in one-way valve packs giving an extended shelf life.
Reasons to buy from Drury
You can be assured of consistency of quality, since we have been roasting coffee and packing tea for over 80 years now. As a member of the Guild of Fine Foods you’ll know we work to the highest standards of quality and ethics.
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020 7740 1100
or use our enquiry form below. We’ll be pleased to drop by and talk through your individual needs.