Drury Barista Training

This is one of the hottest topics in our industry, but thankfully operators are now realising the value of regular and ongoing professional barista training. It is essential for protecting your reputation and maximising your investment in equipment. We can (and do) provide the greatest coffee and the best machines, but if your espresso shot isn’t pulled correctly, then your customers won’t enjoy the end result. So, barista training.

At Drury we run regular barista training courses to train our customers’ staff in best practice when making coffee. Our Lead Trainer, Stacey heads up Drury’s team of barista trainers. Our approach to training is considered and measured – we will listen to your viewpoint, discuss with you how you want your coffee served and then train accordingly. There are, after all, very different requirements for coffee service in a fine dining restaurant compared to a busy high street coffee shop.

Barista training courses are carefully structured to provide the essential information necessary for trainees to start their career in coffee, but without too many superfluous facts and figures to distract and overwhelm. We can train at your site (greater London only), or at our London training centre. Course content is constructed to your individual needs and for different levels of expertise from beginners to advanced and are typically 2-3 hours on-site or half or full days at our premises. They are strictly for professional (non-domestic) clients only. 

Of course, the best thing about our training is it’s absolutely free to wholesale customers regularly purchasing Drury coffee . . .

Drury Tea & coffee - Barista Training

Home courses also available. Contact us for more details

To enquire about our Barista training courses, call…

or use our enquiry form below. We’ll be pleased to drop by and talk through your individual needs.

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